Photo of: L/R: Jack, Eugene, Lucy, Guy, Dick Date: 1915Location:  Tuolumne California USA

The Princes of Tuolumne, Calif.

In 1896 John Rogers Prince and Maude Elizabeth Mitchell were married. After the birth of their second son in 1902 they moved out west to California’s Tuolumne County, right in the heart of lumber country in the Sierra foothills, sixty miles north of Yosemite Valley. JRP took up his position as Manager of the Westside Lumber Company.

John Rogers Prince Sr. (1859-1933) & Maud Mitchell Prince (1870-1918)

  1. Eugene Mitchell Prince, 1897–1965 b. in Ashland, WI
  2. John Rogers Prince Jr, 1902–1943 b. in Ashland, WI
  3. Guy Salisbury Prince, 1904–1958 b. in Tuolumne, CA
  4. Richard Nourse Prince, 1907–1973 b. in Tuolumne, CA
  5. Lois Lucy Prince, 1910–1963 b. in Tuolumne, CA

Note: Older photograph dates are approximate based on photograph type, age of the sitter and dress.

In 1912 EFP passed away and William Ray Durfee (husband of Eugenia) in 1915. Matilda Orpha Bebee Prince and her two daughters moved out to California to join the rest of her children before passing away in 1917.

In 1918 Maude Elizabeth Mitchell Prince passed away at only 47.

When Westside Lumber was sold to new owners Pickering in 1925 and JRP retired, the family bought a house in Alameda by San Francisco Bay to spend their remaining years in an epic 4000 sq ft Victorian home. She still stands today…

1007 Grand Ave., Alameda, California circa 2019

Family Photos of the Westside Lumber Co. circa 1930-35.

[A Brief History of Tuolumne]

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